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Realife Calendar

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Dates are subject to change like Indiana weather. Check back often.​


1-21 | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
3 | First Wednesday
19-20 | Perfect North/Saturate Retreat
21 | Motion Night – GLOW
28 | Vision Sunday 


1 | Small Group Semester begins
7 | First Wednesday 
18 | Kingdom Builders/Baptism Sunday
20 | Area Ministers Meeting
23 | Marriage Night
25 | KB Offering Priority One


3 | Child Dedication
6 | First Wednesday
10 | Motion Night – Spring Break March Madness 
16-23 | El Salvador GO Trip
21-27 | DR GO Trip
29 | Community Good Friday @ Realife (12:00 pm)
29 | Easter Service (7PM)
30 | Easter Service (4 & 5:30PM)
31 | Easter Sunday (8, 9:30, & 11AM) 


3 | First Wednesday
14 | Baptism Sunday
17-24 | Scotland GO Trip


1 | First Wednesday 
5 | Realife Church 17th Anniversary
6 | Dream Team Night
12 | Mother’s Day/Child Dedication
19 | Move Up Sunday for Students
19 | Motion Night – VIP  
26 | Student Takeover Sunday
27 | Kings Island with Realife Young Adults


1 | Small Group Semester Begins
5 | First Wednesday
10-14 | Teen Camp
16 | Father’s Day/Baptism Sunday


3 | First Wednesday – Worship Night
7-10 | Kids Camp
13 | Serve Day
21 | Students Motion Night – Throwback
26 | Guys Night 


3 | Pastor’s Cup Golf Tournament
5-8 | Seek Week
7 | First Wednesday
11 | KB Project Rescue Offering
18 | Baptism Sunday
23 | Ladies Night


1 | Small Group Semester begins
4 | First Wednesday
8 | At The Movies
15 | Students Motion Night – At The Movies


2 | First Wednesday
20 | Baptism Sunday
24 | Kingdom Builders Banquet
27 | Candypalooza


2 | Youth Convention
6 | First Wednesday
17 | Child Dedication
17 | Students Motion Night – Friendsgiving


1 | KB Christmas Offering
1-6 | Hope Week
4 | First Wednesday
11 | Empty Chair Service
15 | Baptism Sunday
20-24 | Christmas Eve Services