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Go Trips

GO Trips are one of the ways that we are Kingdom Builders. By going on a trip, you will experience the opportunity to share Jesus with people and display through acts of kindness, your love for them. Prayerfully consider what trip will be right for you, attend an informational meeting and talk to the GO Trip leader about any questions you may have. 


Budapest, Hungary '24

Location: Virtual Zoom Call

Trip Leader: Kelsey Breton

Dates: July 16-19, 2024

Cost: $50

Includes: GO Bag of Resources and Experiences

Theme: Experience the culture and connect with our missionaries to Budapest while your heart is transformed for the people! The virtual GO teams creates an opportunity for those who are unable to travel on physical trips to experience the global Kingdom Builders mission virtually.


Mozambique '24

Location: Mozambique, Africa

Partner: Matt and Andrea Marlin

Trip Leader: Caleb Hawkins

Dates: Mid-November 2024

Theme: Evangelism/Discipleship of young people on university campuses. Hosting Youth Alive events and small groups on campus.

Puerto Rico '25

Location: Puerto Rico

Partner: Convoy of Hope

Dates: May 31 – June 7, 2025

Budapest, Hungary '25

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Partner: Chappels

Dates: July 2025

Tanzania '25

Location: Tanzania

Partner: Convoy of Hope

Dates: November 5-14, 2025

Rwanda '25

Location: Rwanda

Partner: Wigingtons

Dates: Summer 2025

El Salvador '24 (FULL)

Location: El Salvador

Partner: Kenton Moody

Trip Leader: Tristan Heyde

Dates: March 16-23, 2024 

Theme: Kids Ministry / Building Homes

El Salvador

Dominican Republic '24 (FULL)

Location: Dominican Republic

Partner: One Child

Trip Leader: Shawna Banning

Dates: March 21-27, 2024

Theme: Kids Ministry / VBS

Scotland '24 (FULL)

Location: Scotland

Partner: Dave & Julie Goldschmidt

Trip Leader: Michelle Fulton

Dates: April 17-24, 2024

Theme: Local Church Ministry / Kids Fun Day

Will you pray and ask God how He would use you?