First Wednesday
Join us at 7:00 pm for an inspiring evening of worship, prayer, and the Word. We'll also celebrate baptisms, supporting those who have made the decision to dedicate their lives to Jesus as…
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
New Palestine CampusIf you sense God has more for your life, 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is a great place to start believing Him for all that He has for you. As you practice seeking…
Growth Track – Step 1
Join us for Step 1 of Growth Track! This is a 3-step process that helps connect you to God's plan and purpose for your life. It takes place the first 3 Sundays of…
Small Group Leader Training
New Palestine CampusIf God’s placed a certain passion or calling within you, He might want you to take a step of faith and launch a Small Group around it. Join us for Small Group Leader…
Realife Students Saturate Retreat
Saturate is a time for high school students to get away from the distractions and busyness of life to draw closer to God through prayer and fasting. It is a two-day retreat that…
Greenfield Campus Launch
Greenfield CampusGod is doing amazing thing through the people of Realife! On January 26th, we are launching our Greenfield Campus at Greenfield-Central High School. We will be One Church in Multiple Locations! While plans…
Growth Track – Step 1
New Palestine CampusJoin us for Step 1 of Growth Track! This is a 3-step process that helps connect you to God’s plan and purpose for your life. It takes place the first 3 Sundays of…
First Wednesday
New Palestine CampusJoin us at 7:00 pm for an inspiring evening of worship, prayer, and the Word. We'll also celebrate baptisms, supporting those who have made the decision to dedicate their lives to Jesus as…
Marriage Night
New Palestine CampusJoin us for Marriage Night with special guests CJ and Kristin Johnson from Northview Church! We'll have an exciting evening growing closer together, having fun, and hearing practical tools for how to keep…
One Day to Feed the World
Join us for One Day to Feed the World, a powerful opportunity to make a difference! Through Convoy of Hope, your generosity helps provide meals for over 600,000 children every school day and delivers…
Growth Track – Step 1
Join us for Step 1 of Growth Track! This is a 3-step process that helps connect you to God’s plan and purpose for your life. It takes place the first 3 Sundays of…
Child Dedication
Join us for Child Dedication, a special day when parents commit to raising their children to serve the Lord. Child Dedication will take place at the Greenfield Campus at 10:00 am, and the…