Parenting Resources
Hey Parents, Guardians, and Family Members!
Psalm 127:3 reminds us, “Children are a gift from God,” and we know you’re partnering with Him to raise them well. Parenting can be challenging, so here are some resources we pray will support you in nurturing your children.

Anxious Generation Series Resources
Disclaimer Regarding Sources:
Not all resources below are explicitly Christian, and some authors may not identify as Christian. While they provide valuable context and advice, remember to view everything through a Biblical and Christian worldview. As believers, we uphold the Bible and the virtues it teaches. Although Scripture was written before the rise of modern technology, its timeless truths apply across cultures and contexts, even in today’s digital age. Let prayer and the Bible always be our first points of reference.
Book: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt (available atAmazon and other bookstores)
Book: Managing Media, Creating Character: Using the Technology Kids Crave to Develop the Character God Desires by Kelly Newcom (available at Amazon and other bookstores)
Podcast: Brave Parenting / Kelly Newcom
Article: How to Wean Your Teen Off Social Media / Kelly Newcom
Book: Childhood Unplugged: Practical Advice to Get Kids Off Screens and Find Balance by Katherine Johnson Martinko (available at Amazon and other bookstores)
Article: How to Handle Other Kids with Phones / Katherine Johnson Matinko
Book: The Overparenting Epidemic: Why Helicopter Parenting is Bad for Your Kids and Dangerous for You Too! by George S. Glass, M.D. and David Tabatsky (available at Amazon and other bookstores)
Video: What Happens When You Give Up Your Phone for Seven Weeks? Discussion with Carlos Whittaker (
Podcast/Video: Gen Alpha is Here – Terry Parkman (
Article: Teen Cell Phone Addiction / Newport Academy
Article: Smartphone Alternatives for Kids and Teens
Website: Bright Canary (Articles and other resources to help your children navigate technology in healthy ways)
Article: 50 Questions to Ask Your Kids at the Dinner Table / Focus on the Family:
Article: From Helicopter Parent to Lighthouse Parent / Focus on the Family
Ongoing Discussions and Excellent Resources: subscribe to Jonathan Haidt’s Substack – “After Babel”
Parenting Lunch & Learn Sessions
Each Parenting Lunch and Learn session is designed to resource parents for a specific topic. You can view the resources below.
Early Childhood & Elementary Resources
Financial Management for Kids:
Smart Money, Smart Kids
Ramsey Solutions Resources for Teaching Kids About Money
Give, Save, Spend Piggy Bank
Downloadable 3-Day devotional for “Give, Save, Spend Piggy Bank”
Free downloads to make your own “Give, Save, Spend Piggy Bank”
Raising the Next Generation for Financial Success
100 Empowering Notes for Kids
These colorful notes are great to stick in the lunchbox, hang on the bathroom mirror and carry in the car to remind your kids how to pray scripture over themselves!
Focus on the Family Free Phone Counseling Services
Helping Kids Conquer Their Fears (Podcast with Danny Huerta)
A licensed counselor, Huerta explains why young children experience fear and how parents can respond. Rather than discounting their children’s concerns, parents can help them learn to have courage and appropriately face fears.
Learning to Lay Down Your Fears (Podcast with Angie Smith)
Smith shares struggles she’s faced since she was a small child—including questioning her purpose, God’s plans, and if she’s a “good enough” Christian—and how God is teaching her to trust Him and rest in His peace.

Student Resources
How to Teach Teenagers About Money
Financial Management for Teens:
Debt Free Degree
Your Teenager Is Not Crazy:
Understanding Your Teen’s Brain Can Make You a Better Parent
Every Young Man’s Battle:
Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation (The Every Man Series)
Every Young Woman’s Battle:
Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World (The Every Man Series)