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Core Small Groups

The following Core Small Groups take place each semester at Realife Church.

Financial Peace University

This semester Realife Church is currently offering two Financial Peace University Groups. Our in-person Financial Peace University group will be led by Kathy Woodcock and Stacia Clark. They will meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm – 8pm at Realife Church in the Next Steps room. Their first group meeting will be September 14th. Join this group to link arms with other believers in finding financial freedom this fall!

Financial Peace University Virtual

Our virtual Financial Peace University group will be led by Austin Smith and Taylor Evans. They will send you the videos each week that you will watch at your convenience. Then you will be invited to join a Zoom call at 12 o’clock noon on Wednesdays starting September 7th. Join this group to link arms with other.

Fresh Start Group

Fresh Start is a 10-week video teaching series with discussion designed to give everyone an encouraging space to talk about who God is and what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life. This group is a safe place to ask the tough questions that may have challenged your faith.

This study works in two parts. The first five weeks focus on equipping the group with answers to some of the questions that form the foundation of a vibrant walk with God. The second half builds on those truths to give us direction for moving forward to walk out our purpose as believers. Each week in both sections is built around a 15-18 minute video teaching that sets the group up for a valuable time of discussion.

If you are new to the Christian faith, or just need a Fresh Start in your relationship with God—you are not alone. Join with other believers to grow and experience true life change together.

It’s time for your Fresh Start.

Freedom Class

Freedom Groups gather weekly to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. 

Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.